Saturday, October 17, 2009

Europe in the terrible 1300s

Between the years 1000 and 1300, the availablilty of food in Europe cause the population to almost triple in size! The expansion of the country also caused the world trade to increase. This increase in world trade, also caused the larger spread of disease.
In December of 1347, a sickness was brought to Costantinpole. The form of the plague was a bacteria spread by fleas and rats. Once one person consumed the disease it was contagious through human contact, just like a cold. This sickness was worse for over-crowded cities. A lot of people died and many cities became deserted (ghost towns). Many people thought this bubonic form of disease was brought on by witchcraft. Believing this, many people formed cults and groups and celebrated rituals and participated in origies. Many rumors surfaced about the sickness and different groups of people (like Jews) were being blamed for the onset of the disease. Jews and others were punished, discriminated against and outcasted.
This horrible plague eventually dimished and disappeared and everyone was put at ease. However, the huge progress Europe made with its farm expansion was ruined because of the great loss of the population that the disease destroyed.

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