Monday, October 19, 2009

Osiris tragedy: 1st Soap Opera?

With more twists and turns than an episode of General Hospital, the life of Osiris was filled with life, murder, resurrection and immortality. Osiris is commonly known as the God of Death and Rebirth but was formally the god of agriculture before being killed by his brother, Seth. After killing his brother, Seth chopped up Osiris’ body into 14 pieces and threw them into the Nile. Osiris’ wife, Iris, collected the pieces and performed the “Ritual of Life” spell, which she learned from Thoth, and resurrected Osiris back to life. The time back on earth gave enough time for Iris to become pregnant and she gave birth to a son, named Horus. After dying again, Osiris resided in the underworld as the lord of the dead. Even though he was a god, he could no longer dwell in the land of the living. His son, Horus, gained revenge for his father and showed the triumph of good versus evil.

Information was collected from:

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