Sunday, October 4, 2009

Sphinx: Guardian of Giza Pyramids

The Sphinx is a massive structure covering 240 feet long and 66 feet wide and carved from the bedrock of the Giza plateau. The head measures just under 20 feet from forehead to chin and measured 24 feet across. The paws of the Sphinx stretch out 56 feet on both sides. Many believe that the structure was carved into stone around 2500 B.C. To make the statue even taller, Egyptians chipped out a depression around the base of the statue. With blowing winds the body of the Sphinx has been covered many times through out its existence and that is why many believe the body is not proportional to the size of the head.

The great Sphinx, positioned in front of the pyramids located in Giza, was believed to be the protector of the pyramids and was sent down by the gods. The body of the Sphinx is of a lion, which was a powerful symbol in ancient Egyptian culture which represented strength and courage. Early Egyptians also tamed lions to accompanied kings into battle and were considered supreme guardians. The head of the Sphinx was of a man and believed to be the face of Chephren, who at the time was the ruling pharaoh.

The size of the Sphinx and the Egyptian beliefs behind it, make the structure very intimidating, and a great protector of the Giza Pyramids.

Information was taken from the following websites:

1 comment:

  1. Did you know that Napoleon's troops have been blamed for blowing off the Sphinx's nose in the 18th century? Also, there is new research out the the Sphinx's face is actually that of the pharoh Khufu and the Sphinx was built by his son Djedefre in honor of Khufu. You can look on the history channels website it is the new special called The Lost Pyramid.
