Saturday, November 14, 2009

I have a Dream...

Like Martin Luther King Jr., Constantine the Great also had a dream that affected history. His dream occurred on October 28th 312 C.E., the night before his memorable battle against Maxentius at the Milvian Bridge. The roman letters of Chi and Rho appeared next to the words "in this you shall conquer." In his vision be believed that Christ was protector and would lead him and his army into victory. Constantine would put the symbol seen in his dream on the shields of his army to help protect them during battle. With the victory over Maxentius in the Battle of Milvian bridge, Constantine turned his religious beliefs towards Christiane and away from the worship of Greek and Roman Gods.

The coin above was commonly used after the victory at Milvian Bridge. The image on the front of the coin is Constantine and the image on the back depicts the image he seen in his dream known as Labarum. Without Constantine's dream the spread of Christianity would not have been as significant as it was and still is today.

Information found from:

1 comment:

  1. I wrote on the same topic. I like your introduction to it, very creative..
