Friday, September 25, 2009

Introductory Statement

Hello fellow bloggers, my name is Abbey Prater and I am a junior at Grand Valley State University. I grew up in a small town just south of Kalamazoo and graduated from Vicksburg High School. I am a Biomedical Science major and like many others, I still have no idea what I want to do with my life. My first goal is to move out of the Michigan after finishing my undergraduate and heading south to a state with no snowfall. When I am not busy at school, I work at bar downtown Grand Rapids called Rockwells and Republic. I also enjoying spending most of my free time with my friends or reading a good book.

I have always had a math and science brain, so this History 203 class seems more overwhelming then any chemistry class I have ever taken. I have not taken a History class since High School so I am actually really excited to learn about the events that took place in the past and how they have affected our future. From this blog, I hope to gain new information over the broad spectrum of topics and also work on my writing skills.

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