Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Global Warming: Man vs. Environment

Global warming has become a increasingly popular issue in the press and many arguments have risen due to the increased warming trend. In the book "The Long Summer" , which I am reading for our Critical Book Review, Brian Fagan also discusses how the increased global temperatures have influenced the creation of many civilizations.

Some sources claim that the increased climate change trend has resulted from human activity's which have increased the release of carbon dioxide and other heat trapping gases. Although the industrial revolution has made the use of fossil fuels more prevalent, the endless cycle of global change over the past 15,000 years can not be forgotten.

The temperature variations between the Great Ice age and today has influenced civilizations to evolve from hunter and gatherer nomads to agriculturalists. The unpredictable and uncontrollable changes have forced populations to vacate their locations to pursue alternate primary food sources. The Relocation and adaptation was not an option for our ancestors, rather a necessity in the survival of mankind.

Although Global Warming is a prominent issue in today's society, we can not forget that without it we would not have developed into the civilization we are today. We must learn from our ancestors to adapt to our current climate and change our behaviors before the climate change turns detrimental.

Information From:
Fagan, Brian. The Long Summer: How Climate Changed Civilization. New York: Basic Books, 2005.

1 comment:

  1. You do a great job of intertwining the past with the present. I enjoyed reading your post. It gave relevance to the historical topic you talked about.
