Saturday, November 7, 2009

Holy Apples Batman!

Apples, apples, apples: Granny Smith, to Macintosh, to Honey crisp, and Golden Delicious. Apples are a major fruit import and export in our society, especially during the fall season when people crave their donuts and cider. Apparently, apples have been around since Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. But, as far as I know, they date back to 8,000 B.C. A timeline of apples can be retrieved here: Since the discovery of this fruit, they have been symbols of love, beauty, luck, health, comfort, pleasure, wisdom, temptation, sensuality, sexuality, virility and fertility. In Greek mythology, Gaia, or Mother Earth, presented a tree with golden apples to Zeus and his bride Hera on their wedding day. However, these golden apples were heavily guarded. The apples soon became a temptation and bribery. Because the golden apples were given to Zeus on his wedding day, a sexual connotation soon became intertwined. This is a possible reason on why apples became a dessert at the end of a meal in Greek society.
Today, apples are only seen as a source of food, health, and pleasure (enjoying the delectable item), and a good source of fiber to help with digestion :). Apples are made in all kinds of varieties to cater to peoples specific desires and wants. These varieties include different colors, tastes, textures, etc. As far as I know, there are not any sexual connotations related to apples, but they make for a great apple crisp dessert or apple pie. The only connotations I know about apples are cider mills and "an apple a day, keeps the doctor away" (health). Cider mills draw in large attractions. People love the good taste of apple cider (hot or cold), apple flavored donuts and bread, and just plain 'ol apples. Now, is it any wonder that apples have become the most sought after fruit?


  1. I think that it is so crazy for people to believe that things so simple as fruit have a such a deep meaning. This weekend I watched the movie Year One with Jack Black and Micheal Cera, and they had an apple tree of knowledge that was forbidden to their village. Jack Blacks character ate one of the fruits and then thought he knew everything about the world.

  2. I loved your post! It was so funny and interesting. You opening statements and title definitely drew me in and made me WANT to read. When I think of an apple, I instantly think of the garden of Eden and the "forbidden" fruit the Eve ate of. Great post! I enjoyed reading!

  3. I loved your post as well. It is refreshing to read something that involves history, yet does not feel like reading about history. Great job; entertaining, informational, and fun!
